Maud Texier
Global Head of Carbon Free Energy Development, Google
Speaker Profile
Maud Texier is global director for clean energy and decarbonisation. Maud joined Google in 2019 and led the development, strategy and execution of the 24/7 carbon-free energy program for Google's datacenters. She currently leads the technology and solutions development group working towards decarbonizing Google's operations by 2030. Prior to joining Google, Maud was Head of Industrial Energy Products at Tesla. She joined Tesla in 2014 as part of the early team to develop Tesla's Energy business unit where she led the product group for grid-scale batteries and deployed systems across 20+ energy markets. Previously, Maud worked for Electricite De France, one of the largest global utilities, as part of the Innovation office in charge of new technologies for the group. Maud holds an MS of engineering in Energy and Power systems from Ecole Centrale Paris.